The Turkey Hunt "Gobble Gobble" yarn was inspired by this guy. This is Little John and he is my son's Blue Slate tom turkey. Isn't he gorgeous? He knows he is! I love his colors and his "I'm too sexy" attitude and so from his inspiration this was created...

This is a pre-washed photo of "Gobble Gobble". It is approximately 64 yards of bulky spun merino lamb, silk, banana fiber and bamboo. The grey sections are lumpy, bumpy and squishy and the pink sections are sleek, smooth and ultra shiny. I love it!
Now, who is getting this fun bit of fibery, turkey yumminess? Drum roll, please......craftypuppylover! Come on down! You will be receiving this quirky yarn in the mail. Thanks to everyone who played. Stay tuned for other games and specials for the remainder of the Christmas season. We've got some fun stuff planned.
YAY!!!!! thanks!!!!!