I got my swap box from the Ravelry Coffee and Chocolate swap yesterday and boy, did I ever need it! I've been fighting this virus crud for several weeks now and I needed something yarn-y, something chocolate-y and definitely something COFFEE! I got some gorgeous baby alpaca bulky in a lovely shade of pumpkin that I think is my new favorite color. I got three, yes three, flavors of coffee. Tons of Bavarian chocolate. A to-die-for lavender eye pillow (I've wanted one for several years). Got a great soy candle in Red Currant that I may just glue to my face. Got a cowl pattern that is so cute I can't wait to make one. And, I got some heirloom veggie seeds. C'mon spring! My partner is way cool too and I think I made out like a bandit. I'll post pics of the package I put together for her, but not until she gets it so I don't spoil the surprises.

In other news, I finished this cutie patootie lamb's ear baby hat for my brother's baby. It's knit from Serengetti colored Gloss yarn (merino and silk) from Knit Picks. I lined the ears with some black velvet and I'll tie a little bow on there somewhere in case it's a girl baby. If it's a boy, they can just take off the ribbon. I've got a black one on the needles now for my littlest and I'll do another one in chocolate brown for my friend who is due with a boy in May. I tried this one on my baby and it was soooo cute. Made all those tiny stitches worth the effort!
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